If you saw the finale of Cycle 17's America's Next Top Model, you might be as disappointed as I am; I don't want to ruin the season for anyone who hasn't seen the end of the cycle, so we'll move on to something I *did* like this ANTM - Michael Cinco!
****IMAGE SPOILERS***** of the second to last episode of ANTM Cycle 17 coming up!
Some blogs I've read feel Michael Cinco's work to be too costume-y or bling-y, but I disagree. I think his work is absolutely beautiful! I love it and wish I could have it all. ALL. Here is a series of my favorite pieces by Michael showcased in ANTM.
I'm lovin' Lisa's belt and headpiece!
Angelea's shoulderpiece was AMAAAAAZE
Michael Cinco, prince of laser cutting. Unrelated, Angelea is so pretty here!
Check out Alli-cat's dress! To die for!
Another look at Lisa's belt and shoulderpiece.
"I.... want... my... MOMMY!!!"
i LOVE all that shit on Laura's forearm, for reals. No, really, for reals.
Alli'cat's crowning moment! Her necklace is seriously perfect on this outfit.
UGH, i LOVE all this stuff! I would wear any or all of this on a DAILY FREAKING BASIS. I pray that Michael Cinco will outfit me on my wedding day and make me look like a gladiatress/medieval-robo-cop ready to slay the shit out of anybody who happens to be on the aisle. Which will be no-one if I dress like this. Because everyone will be running away screaming.